Vyro TechFest 2k17 – Teaser

VYRO- Spread The Word

“An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it”.

So we the students of UNIVERSAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING are pioneering the Technical Festival VYRO.

This belief came into existence with the idea of the Tech Fest, originated and entitled as VYRO which is an initiative of its own kind to provide a podium to display the talent and innovations of brilliant young minds, which otherwise may remain unseen and unnoticed.

VYRO means

V- Very large Integration
Y- Yielding Opportunities
R- Recursive
O- Open Source

“YEILDING OPPORTUNITIES IN VYRO”: Our Festival VYRO is going to give a BOOM , bewidlerness and exploring Vision to Creativity and Innovation.

Some occupations often deal with people's identities in fundamental ways and hence we say that “VYRO IS OPEN SOURCE FOR ALL”.